JavaScript Interview Questions and Answers Function call Function apply and Callback functions


Q. What are the different ways to invoke a function? What would the implicit reference "this" refer to?
A. The functions can be invoked via one of the following 5 ways

  1. function_name(param1, param2, etc); --> "this" refers to global object like window.
  2. obj1.function_name(param1,param2,etc);  --> "this" refers to obj1.
  3. The constructor.
  4., param1);    //remember that the functions in JavaScript is like an object and it has its own methods like toString(..), call(...), apply(...), etc.
  5. function_name.apply(objRef, params[parama1,param2, etc]);

So, why use or function_name.apply( ... ) as opposed to just function_name( ... )? Lets look at this with some examples.
var x = 1;           //global variable x;

var obj1 = {x:3}; //obj1 variable x
var obj2 = {x:9}; //obj2 variable x

function function_name(message) {
alert(message + this.x) ;

function_name("The number is "); //alerts the global x --> The number is 1

//the first argument is the obj reference on which to invoke the function, and the
//the second argument is the argument to the function call, "The number is "); //alerts the obj1s x --> The number is 3, "The number is "); //alerts the obj2s x --> The number is 5

//the first argument is the obj reference on which to invoke the function, and
//the second argument is the argument to the function call as an array
function_name.apply(obj1, ["The number is "]); //alerts the obj1s x --> The number is 3
function_name.apply(obj2, ["The number is "]); //alerts the obj2s x --> The number is 5

The purpose is of call and apply methods are  to invoke the function for any object without being bound to an instance of the this object. In the above example, the this object is the global object with the x value of 1.   In a function called directly without an explicit owner object, like function_name(), causes the value of this to be the default object (window in the browser). The call and apply methods allow you to pass your own object to be used as the "this" reference. In the above example, the obj1 and obj2 were used as "this" reference.

Q. What will be the alerted message for buttons 1-5 shown below?

The test.html stored under js_tutorial/html

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">

<title>Insert title here</title>
<form id="someform">
<input id="btn1" type="button" value="click-me1"/>
<input id="btn2" type="button" value="click-me2"/>
<input id="btn3" type="button" value="click-me3" onclick="buttonClicked()"/>
<input id="btn4" type="button" value="click-me4"/>
<input id="btn5" type="button" value="click-me5"/>

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="../js/test.js">


The test.js stored under js_tutorial/js.

function buttonClicked(){  
var text = (this === window) ? window :;
alert( text );

var button1 = document.getElementById(btn1);
var button2 = document.getElementById(btn2);
var button4 = document.getElementById(btn4);
var button5 = document.getElementById(btn5);

button1.onclick = this.buttonClicked; //or just button1.onclick = buttonClicked;
button2.onclick = function(){

button4.onclick = function(){;

button5.onclick = function(){

A. The "this" object passed to the buttonClicked function are as follows:

click-me1 --> btn1 ("btn1" because its a method invocation and this will be assigned the owner object - the button input element)
click-me2 --> window (This is the same thing as when we assign the event handler directly in the elements tag as in click-me3 button)
click-me3 --> window (global object)
click-me4 --> btn4
click-me5 --> btn5

When defining event handlers via frameworks like jQuery, the library will take care of overriding the value of "this" reference to ensure that it contains a reference to the source of the event element. For example,

$(#btn1).click( function() {  
var text = (this === window) ? window :; //// jQuery ensures this will be the btn1
alert( text );

The jQuery makes use of apply( ) and call( ) method calls to achieve this.

Q. What will be the output for the following code snippet?

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">

<title>Insert title here</title>
<form id="someform">
<input id="btn1" type="button" value="click-me1" onclick="test()"/>

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="../js/test2.js">


the test2.js file.

var myobj1 = {  

if(this === window)
alert("x is not Defined");
else if (this === myobj1)

function test(){
setTimeout(myobj1.myfunction, 1000);

A. The output in the alert will be "x is not defined". This is because the "this" will be referring to the default global object -- window. The above code can be fixed by replacing the test() function as shown below.

function test(){

Note: The setTimeout(..,..) method alerts only after 1 second of clicking the button.

Q. What is a callback function? Why would you need callback functions?
A. As mentioned earlier, the functions in JavaScript are actually objects. For example,

var functionAdd = new Function("arg1", "arg2", "return arg1 * arg2;");
functionAdd(5,9); // returns 14
functionAdd(2,3); // returns 5

So, the functions can be passed as arguments to other functions and invoked from other functions. For example,

function functionAdd(arg1, arg2, callback) {
var result = arg1 + arg2
// Since were done, lets call the callback function and pass the result

// call the function
functionAdd(5, 15, function(result) {
// this anonymous function will run when the callback is called
console.log("callback called! " + result);

Why invoke the callback function when the functionAdd(..) could have executed the results? Client-side is predominantly asynchronous with following types of events.

UI Events like mouse click, on focus, value change, etc. These events are asynchronous because you dont know when a user is going to click on a button. So, callback functions need to be invoked when a button is clicked. For example JavaScript frameworks like jQuery quite often uses callback functions. Whether handling an event, iterating a collection of nodes, animating an image, or applying a dynamic filter, callbacks are used to invoke your custom code at the appropriate time.

The test.js.

console.log("Inside the callback function...");
//called 2 seconds after the paragraph is hidden
alert("The paragraph is now hidden");

The test.html

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="test.js"></script>

<p>The praragraph to hide when a button is clicked.</p>

Timer functions like setTimeout(function, delay), setInterval(function, delay), etc will delay the execution of a function. For example, you might want to disable a form button after its been clicked to prevent double form submission, but then re-enable it again after a few seconds. The clearTimeout() function then allows you to cancel the callback from occuring if some other action is done which means the timeout is no longer required.
Another reason why these timers are useful is for some repetitive tasks some milliseconds apartment. The reason why the timers are used instead of a simply while (true) { ... } loop is because Javascript is a single-threaded language. So if you tie up the interpreter by executing one piece of code over and over, nothing else in the browser gets a chance to run. So, these timers allow other queued up events or functions to be executed.

Invoke myObj1.myObj1.myMethod() after 1 second.

var myObj1 = {
alert(this.x || "Not defined") ; // "Not defined" is the default if x is not defined

setTimeout(function(){myObj1.myMethod()}, 1000);

Ajax calls are made asynchronously and when a response is received from the server, a callback method is invoked to process the response. The Ajax calls do have the following states

AJAX states:

0: The request is uninitialized (before youve called open()).
1: The request is set up, but not sent (before youve called send()).
2: The request was sent and is in process (you can usually get content headers from the response at this point).
3: The request is in process; often some partial data is available from the response, but the server isnt finished with its response.
4: The response is complete; you can get the servers response and use it.

So, you want the callback function to be invoked when the state == 4. Lets look at an example.

Here is the test2.html

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="ajax.js">

<title>Insert title here</title>

The ajax.js.

function processAjaxRequest(url, callback) {
var httpRequest; // create our XMLHttpRequest object
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
//For most browsers
httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
} else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
//For IE
httpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");

//onreadystatechange event registers an anonymous (i.e. no name) function
httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function() {
// this is called on every state change
if (httpRequest.readyState === 4) {; // call the callback function
};, url);

processAjaxRequest ("http://localhost:8000/simple", function() {
console.log("Executing callaback function....");
console.log("1.This will be printed when the ajax response is complete. "); //LINE A

console.log("2. This will be printed before the above console.log in LINE A."); //LINE B

Note: If you use FireFox, you can vie the console via Tools --> Web Developer --> Web Console. When you run the above example, check the web console output.

Now, for the purpse of learning JavaScript, Ajax, etc, you can create your own HTTP server with a quick and dirty approach as shown below. The Java 6, has a built in non-public API for HTTP. This approach should not be used in real life.

The Java HTTP Server



public class SimpleJavaHTTPServer {

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
HttpServer server = HttpServer.create(new InetSocketAddress(8000), 0);
server.createContext("/simple", new MyHandler());
server.setExecutor(null); // creates a default executor

static class MyHandler implements HttpHandler {
public void handle(HttpExchange t) throws IOException {
String response = "<ajax-xml>some text</ajax-xml>";
t.sendResponseHeaders(200, response.length());
OutputStream os = t.getResponseBody();

The LINE B will be printed before LINEA.

Note: If you run the above Java code within Java 6 or later, you will get an ajax response of <ajax-xml>some text</ajax-xml> when you invoke http://localhost:8000/simple. You may get a "restricted API" in eclipse IDE, you could overcome this by removing and adding the rt.jar via the build path or you could try the following from the preferences menu go into Java --> Compiler --> Errors/Warnings --> Depricated and Restricted API and change the "forbidden reference" from "Error" to "Warning".

More JavaScript Q&A

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Synology Releases RackStation RS2211RP Rack Mount NAS For up to 66TB Storage!


Synology America has announced the release of the RS2211RP+ Rack-Mount NAS and its companion RX1211RP. The RS2211RP+ offers affordable performance, scalability, and redundancy in a 2U configuration. The native 10-bay server pairs seamlessly with the RX1211RP, for on-the-fly expansion up to 22 drives. That makes for up to 66TB storage. The RS2211RP+ boasts write speeds of up to 166MB/s and up to 198MB/s read speeds, which is respectable for a device like this. The RS2211RP+ is scheduled to be released in mid to late April for under $3000.

Synology RS2211RP+ Rack-Mount NAS

"This new RackStation makes for a very affordable addition to the server room," said Doug Self, Product Marketing Manager at Synology America Corp. "The performance and scalable capacity cant be beat in this price range."

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Could Possibly A Number Generator Enable You To Be Successful In The Lotto

By Carol Pickrell

Winning the lottery game is made more possible by a number generator. You could possibly obtain various versions of lottery number generator over the web. There are many simple to utilize generators which usually provide no-hassle navigation program. The benefit of that tool is that they are no cost. Therefore, just in case you want to maximize your likelihood of turning into a multimillionaire, you must not hesitate on using a generator. If you believe that your intuition is very powerful on a specific time, so this implies that you could probably skip the number generator and simply trust your own instinct. On the other hand, it is really not every day you have an intensive ESP. Because you cant rely on your intuition every time, you must count on a strategic way when selecting your digits.

Plenty of people wish to succeed in the lotto, but unfortunately many people rarely ever get to obtain a lotto ticket. And also, they dont join the sweepstakes regularly. Theres just a small quantity of lottery winners who were new players. An incredible number of people join the lottery game, which is why it was able to stand the test of time. Its important that you invest a limited finances from your money for lottery everyday. Participating in the lotto is like investing in stocks and shares. You will need to buy continuously to be able to obtain a higher financial gain in the end. If youre married, you must consult your better half about your spending budget allocation. Make sure that she or he is okay with the amount of cash that you are going to blow for the lotto tickets. You would not like to have a conflict with your partner about your own choices on lottery.

There are numerous versions of lottery game. You could opt to participate in a different game also. You need to find a gist of the different variety and so you would know what you truly desire as well as what game satisfies you better. Indeed the lottery is ideal for people who will be prepared to take challenges. Just those individuals who will be ready to shell out money could reap the rewards sooner or later. If you dont plant the seed, youre not going to harvest. You could pick your lucky digits once buying the lottery tickets. You can select anything significant just like your birthday or maybe your kids birthday. You could also choose your own cell phone number, street address or room number.

Also, a really good recommendation is never to select digits that are more likely to be picked by other people at the same time. If you do that, it indicates that you will be sharing your jackpot to some other people just in case you succeed. You must instead pick an original digits. Why dont you check out how the lottery is drawn? Review the style of the winning combination. You would see their randomness. So, you must never select something with an organized sequence. Many individuals mention that since there is a very low probability of being successful in the lottery, it is definitely not worth the bucks anymore. But as long as there are winners of enormous payouts, people will be inspired to join the lottery.

It is not always that you can operate a number generator as there are times when you dont have accessibility to the web. For this reason, you should be mindful of the stuff that keep emerging in your daily life. So every time you get up in the early morning, you must take note of every little thing that you recall out of your dreams, including signs, shapes and also digits. Just in case you rely on Feng Shui, you may think about getting extra lotto tickets during your fortunate days. More importantly, do not fail to utilize a dependable number generator for better effects.

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The Microsoft Surface

microsoft surfaceCan we make computers any more adaptable and everyday oriented than the Microsoft Surface? It is a computer that literally functions as a computer and a coffee table. The slick 30-inch tabletop turns into a completely interactive experience. It utilizes a camera-based vision system that allows multiple users to grab, move, or select things with a touch of their hand.

The vision systems that the Surface uses consists of five different cameras that allow for interaction between hands, objects, and devices. It can identify hands, fingers, paintbrushes, tagged objects, and a multitude of other items. The tagged item recognition feature is quite amazing. In order for the Microsoft Surface to uniquely identify objects, a tag is utilized. It can also be used to start a command or action. A certain tagged object could allow a cardholder to make a purchase and charge it to their card.

The Microsoft Surface’s use of hands-on interaction and mouse-less computing enables easy control, excellent viewing angles, and brilliant display for everyone surrounding the table. Another wonderful advantage Microsoft developed with the Surface is its ability to withstand almost anything. Sticky hands and spilled drinks aren’t even a concern for the rugged Surface.

As of now, the Microsoft Surface is only available for commercial purchase. It is being targeted in the business areas of financial services, retail, hospitality, health care, and automotive, but soon I believe that these dream computers will be available for everyone. Microsoft hopes to in the near future evolve the Surface to fit into a number of environments such as schools, businesses, and homes. This fantastic innovation is something to definitely watch for in future computer developments.
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Computing device Biggest score OPTIPLEX 3011 AIO I5 2 9 4 500 DVDRW 7P


Greatest coupe OPTIPLEX 3011 AIO I5 2.9/4/500/DVDRW/7P Store shopping Nowadays

Scores: OPTIPLEX 3011 AIO I5 2.9/4/500/DVDRW/7P

OPTIPLEX 3011 AIO I5 2.9/4/500/DVDRW/7P

OPTIPLEX 3011 AIO I5 2.9/4/500/DVDRW/7P Buying At this point

OPTIPLEX 3011 AIO I5 2.9/4/500/DVDRW/7P

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Useful Information About Teleform Software

By Dawn Williams

Teleform is an automated document solution that helps to reduce data entry and manual procedures associated with paper based projects. It captures handwritten data from papers and incorporates it into automated business applications that are more secure. It is designed with an interface that is able to scan and verify documents before converting them into structured electronic data that is accurate and reliable.

The primary focus of this software is to reduce the complexity and manual efforts associated with the extraction of data from required for statistical analysis. It has the ability to automatically read hand print bar codes, machine print, signatures and optimal mark. The data is then automatically transferred to a database from where it can be accessed when required.

The information in the modern enterprise is not stored in a single location. It is scattered across a network of mail boxes, network shares, corporate shares and hard drives. This presents numerous challenges to businesses in complying with regulatory measures that govern the management of information. When information is scattered it is difficult to leverage this information for the benefit of the business.

There are four main technologies that are employed to improve the functionality of this application. These are intelligent character recognition, optical mark recognition, bar code recognition and optical character recognition. The scanners used introduce flexibility and in this process and make it possible to automatically convert handwritten data into text.

This application is widely applied in many field including insurance, finance, accounting, marketing, human resources among others. This has made work much easier for business people as well as introduced a high level of accuracy and reliability. It automatically identifies the forms and sorts them according a specified criterion eliminating the need for manual processes.

This application is very effective and has several functions. It automatically reads data form forms, classifies it and stores it in a database. The application scans images and documents, retrieves images from other applications and allows users to examine and make adjustments on forms. The advancement in technology has made it possible to develop applications that have greater capabilities. They handle telephone response, on-line questionnaires and allow users to design forms.

To enhance the effectiveness of form processing, the process is divided in several stages. These stages form the data processing cycle. It is important to examine the completed forms to verify that the data is valid. Any missing values are inserted and corrections made on the forms. Once these changes are made the form is ready to be faxed to the server. The installed application then converts the handwritten response into electronic data. This information can then be stored in the database.

Today, there are numerous document handling applications that have been introduced in the market. Teleform is widely used by due to the numerous benefits it offers in document handling. It has a number of additional features that enhance its effectiveness. It has a simple design, requires less maintenance and the possibility of errors is very limited. It is also stable application designed by a reliable company. It can be operated on any business application whether small scale or large scale. Support services are available to address any problems that may be encountered.

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How to add modify and drop column with default value NOT NULL constraint – MySQL database Example

How to add column in existing table with default value is another popular SQL interview question asked for Junior level programming job interviews. Though syntax of SQL query to add column with default value varies little bit from database to database, it always been performed using ALTER keyword of ANSI SQL. Adding column in existing table in MySQL database is rather easy and straight forward and we will see example of SQL query for MySQL database which adds a column with default value. You can also provide constraints like NULL or NOT NULL while adding new column in table. In this SQL tutorial  we are adding third column in a table called Contacts which contains name and phone of contacts. Now we want to add another column email with default value "". We will use ALTER command in SQL to do that. By the way this is next in our SQL tutorials e.g. How to join three tables in SQL and SQL query to find duplicate records in table. If you haven’t read them yet, then you may find them useful.
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Extract Lost Documents Using Windows Data Recovery Software Tools

By Rachael Gutierrez

It takes a lot of effort, commitment, and money to create information and it should be protected. Businesses need information to make key decisions and run the day-to-day operations. However, when documents stored in digital storage media are lost, you may recover your information with use of Windows data recovery software tool. This software product is designed to recover information stored in Windows computer operating systems.

Much of the information created by businesses is stored in digital forms such as flash disks, hard drives, CD ROMs, and DVDs. Information stored in those devices may be lost in various ways such as through human errors. When the files are deleted, it means that you cannot access the documents. Similarly, when files are overwritten over other documents files, the original information is erased and the space occupied with new documents.

File modifications may occur when you initiate the wrong action such as formatting. This could also lead to loss of information. Businesses suffer many damages when they lose essential data. If the accounting documents of a business are lost, this means that information in transactions, payments, expenditures, and sales may not be tracked. This could create gaps in the financial management and accountability leading to misappropriation of funds or theft.

File corruption may occur and cause stored documents to be lost. When there are software errors that lead to corrupt files, it means that the documents are not readable. Information saved in files is rendered useless if it is not accessible due to corrupt file system. Similarly, a virus may infect files thus corrupting the documents stored. Such logical loss of documents makes it hard to access your information.

The hardware of your computers such as the hard drives and disks may become dysfunctional due to physical damages. The partitions may also be corrupted thus leading to problems in accessing information. The hard drives and central processing units may collapse and you cannot access information.

Losing information causes a lot of agony and panic and you may spend many hours figuring out what next to do. Files that are deleted from computer systems and storage media may still be recovered. When the files are deleted, the information may still be available but the directory entries or pathways to access the documents are destroyed. The space is rendered available or unused meaning new files may be saved in those locations.

The probability of recovering document lost in a computer system is affected by many things. The cause of the data loss is one thing, which will determine whether it is possible to recover the information. Physical destruction can occur on disks and if the damage is too huge, the information might not be recovered.

If the parts of the disk can be assembled together in a lab, probably the document or part of the information might be recovered. When document is being created and it is not saved, and a power spike occurs, this could lead to complete loss of a file. You can use Windows data recovery software to retrieve lost documents.

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3 Reasons Why You Need To Use A Virtual Private Network

By Ted Miller

Have you heard about the usefulness of online VPN services? In the present day several work at home biz owners, multinational corporations, and independent organizations implement such Virtual Private Network system.

What exactly are the actual great things about implementing VPN solutions in your small business? VPN possesses impressive advantages for businesses. This system can help you in numerous strategies while you surf online or maybe perform secure financial transactions on the web. As a consequence of its state-of-the-art security algorithm, you could possibly seamlessly conceal your virtual identification and secure your own personal as well as company data from dishonest hackers.

The very first reason why you should be implementing VPN service is the protection element. The internet browsing is always significantly insecure when using not secured and untrusted websites on the internet. There are a number of non-secured networks such as Wi-Fi hotspot channels which happen to be notably unsafe and unsecured with regards to sensitive information exchanging over the internet. Your trusty old shared important information over many of these systems can potentially be intercepted by fraudulent hackers and can be used for criminal intention. Your very own data files such as your actual bank card info, bank info, blog or website usernames and passwords might be right away stolen and used for dishonest purpose by these particular hackers. In this type of condition, VPN support could help you create your very own private network closed and encrypted so that your distributed info becomes extremely guarded. So therefore you can hide your details from illegal hackers by investing in properly secured as well as highly effective VPN products and services.

The second advantage of applying VPN technology is its capability to make your network discreet to others. By becoming thoroughly discreet, it is easy to steer clear of web based identity theft and protect your own personal data from illegal online thieves. VPN services in reality offer the best quality security that helps you to encrypt your website traffic and make your enterprise and personalized transactions discreet over the web. With resilient VPN software you can even modify your system IP address any time you want. By constantly updating your current IP address, you could make yourself exceptionally anonymous on the internet.

The third real underlying cause for why you need to be employing an effective VPN program is that it gives you the opportunity to access the prohibited websites on the internet. Most of the times, while surfing you actually see a message that your current IP address is barred or you do not actually have sufficient privileges to gain access to this website. It is possible to instantly get over such internet IP limitations and domain bans by following secure VPN program. At this point, with a dependable and powerful VPN technology, it is possible to get over almost any types of online site constraints and get access to prohibited internet sites within a few minutes.

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HOWTO Why partitioning does matter on Ubuntu

Ubuntu is one of the most user-friendly Linux distributions in the world. However, Linux distributions change a lot on every new release. Although we can upgrade to the newer release easily on Ubuntu, I suggest to have a fresh install on every new release.

In my opinion, it is a good practice to format your hard drive at least in four partitions. Such as

/boot (about 1GB)

/ (not less than 8GB)

/home (depends on your hard drive space reminded)

/swap (twice as your amount of RAM)

In this way, you can install and format /boot and / partitions and leave /home untouch on every new or re-install. All your settings at /home are reminded unchange as well as the data in that partition. Be keep in mind that you are NOT required to format /home partition.

You are also required to backup /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow when necessary if you have more than one user.

Thats all. See you!
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Kingston Technology Adds 8GB microSDHC Cards to the Family


Kingston Technology today announced the addition of 8GB microSD High-Capacity (SDHC) Flash memory cards to its mobile memory storage line. Shipping immediately, the new 8GB microSDHC cards offer greater storage options to the latest mobile phones and digital devices in the smallest footprint available. The new microSDHC 8GB card, Kingston part number #: (SDC4/8GB) has a suggested price of $58.00 in the United States.

The microSDHC format is emerging as the predominant mobile memory standard as more handset manufacturers, including HTC, LG, Motorola, Nokia, RIM, and Samsung, embrace it with compatible mobile phones. Recent models tested with the new Kingston 8GB microSDHC card include the BlackBerry Pearl 8120; the LG evV2 (VX9100) and Voyager (VX10000); as well as the Samsung BlackJack II (i617) and Glyde (U940).

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HOWTO Aircrack ng on Ubuntu Desktop 12 04 LTS

Aircrack-ng is an 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK keys cracking program that can recover keys once enough data packets have been captured. It implements the standard FMS attack along with some optimizations like KoreK attacks, as well as the all-new PTW attack, thus making the attack much faster compared to other WEP cracking tools.

In fact, Aircrack-ng is a set of tools for auditing wireless networks.

Step 1 :

sudo apt-get install build-essential sqlite3 subversion ethtool

sudo -sH

cd /opt

svn co aircrack-ng

cd /opt/aircrack-ng

make sqlite=true ext_scripts=true unstable=true

make sqlite=true ext_scripts=true unstable=true install


Step 2 :

To run it with ALFA AWUS036NH (802.11 b/g Long-Range USB Adapter), you can run the command at any directory.

sudo -sH


airmon-ng start wlan1

airodump-ng mon0 -c 1

To test it if is is injectable or not.

aireplay-ng -9 mon0

Step 3 (Optional) :

For Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 5100 AGN [Shiloh], you need the following commands :

sudo -sH


airmon-ng start wlan3

airodump-ng wlan3mon -c 1


At this writing, I cannot find a way to solve the problem in airmon-ng or airmon-zc for ALFA AWUS036NHR. However, Pentoo 2013.0 RC1.1 is working perfectly for that adapter.

Thats all! See you.

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